Аuthors: O. Prygara, PhD (Econ.), Assosiate Prof., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8444-819X
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine,
Yu. Skoryna, a specialist in the department
of service support for export sales of PJSC “MHP”, Kyiv, Ukraine
Annotation: The research focuses on the company’s promotion strategy in international B2B markets, revealing different approaches to the promotion concept and strategy. The promotion strategy is viewed as a way of determining the company’s long-term goals for building a system of marketing communications between the company and a consumer regarding the dissemination of information about products using communication tools (advertising, PR, personal selling, direct marketing, sales promotion) aimed to form the demand for goods. The research studies the causes
influencing the international communication process: uncontrollable and rapidly changeable factors of the market context of domestic and foreign
markets, aspects of sociocultural, linguistic, economic, legislative, and competitive differences in the market. These factors actualize the necessity
of strategic analysis of international markets, detailed analysis of the socio-cultural environment, and thorough analysis of secondary and primary
marketing information regarding differences in the customers’ market behavior in the global market.
The study describes the formation of a company’s promotion strategy for international markets. It includes the following stages: strategic analysis
of foreign markets’ attractiveness, analysis of the cultural environment of global markets, the foreign market selection process for further market
activity, research of customers’ motivations in the chosen market, determination of directions for the promotion strategy formation and means for its
implementation and control.
A comparative analysis of the use of promotional tools in B2B and B2C markets is provided. It is determined that the most effective promotion
tools in the B2B market are personal sales, exhibitions, event marketing, and presentations.
Keywords: promotion, promotion strategy, foreign economic activity, international market, B2B market.
Received: 01/11/2022
1st Revision: 12/11/2022
Accepted: 01/12/2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2022/221-4/7
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