R. Bilyk, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE IN THE CONTEXT OF DECENTRALIZATION

The paper studies issues of strengthening the financial basis of regional development as a component of economic security policy and one of the most important areas of administrative decentralization in Ukraine. Main problems of regional development financing identified, ineffectiveness of inter-budget relations proved and the obstacles for accumulation of financial resources of local communities determined. It has been shown that main consequence of regional financial “weakness” was the inability to concentrate resources for prior investment projects and activities of regional development. The measures for strengthening of the financial security of regions in the context of regional policy objectives and according to the announced decentralization and fiscal reforms in regions offered. It is proved that for strengthening the financial base of support for regional development and ensuring self-sufficiency of territorial communities, in terms of the objectives of the new regional policy, it is necessary: to gradually expand the list of instruments used by local authorities to increase the amount of cool tools; disseminate program-target method of compilation and execution of local budgets with the aim of increasing transparency and efficiency of use of budgetary funds; to organize intergovernmental relations, to increase the share of targeted funding, to ensure the formation of horizontal intergovernmental relations; to provide for the expansion of the revenue base of local budgets, transfer of shares separate national taxes, the search for extra-budgetary financial resources.

Keywords: regional development policy, administrative decentralization, regional economic interests, financing of regional development, local budgets, financial independence of regions, the principle of subsidiarity.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2015/167-2/7


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