In the article to investigate of financing to the real sector of economy through the use of instruments and mechanism of equities market. Also possibility to form in Ukraine an investment base due to the financial sources of the securities attracted at the market is considered. In the process of research, it is educed that an investment capital is formed at the primary market of securities. Author gave mind on financing to the real sector of economy through the mechanism of emission of investment securities such as actions and corporate bonds. Taking into account the modern state of development financial to the sector of economy of Ukraine and crisis, the mechanism of effective aspiration of financial resources of equities market is worked out in an investment capital. On the basis of present problems of economy of country in a period an exit from a crisis and investment prospects of equities market are given recommendations in relation to the increase of investment orientation of equities market. The complex of measures is offered in relation to converting of equities market into the mechanism of investment maintenance of economy.
Keywords: market of equities, financing of investment activity, real sector of economy, потенціл market of equities.
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