N. Miedviedkova, PhD, assistant Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine THE WAYS TO IMPROVE THE BUDGETARY INSTRUMENTS FOR SUPPORT OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN UKRAINE

The current budget instruments for support of economic activities in Ukraine are considered. The experience of using of fiscal stimulus instruments, as well as reasonably practical recommendations for their application in Ukraine are overviewed and analyzed. It is suggested the following directions for improvement of budgetary instruments for support of the economy in the short term: reforming the mechanism of state guarantees; introduction and expansion of the scope of the budgetary grant; introduction of “fiscal rules” to limit the provision of state support for certain sectors of the economy; provision of budget subsidies for support of the creation of new jobs or save existing jobs.

Key words: budgetary instruments, budgetary grants, government subsidies, state guarantees, fiscal rules.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2015/167-2/11


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