O. Krasilnyk, PhD student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF FINANCING HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS OF UKRAINE

The paper considers the problems of financing higher education institutions and focuses on formation of estimates of higher education institutions in Ukraine. The study established that the public and municipal education institutions financed by estimate and budget, which is determined by the amount and directions of use funds for implementation of functions and achieving the goals. The estimate has 2 components: general and special fund. The paper describes the practice of using general and special funds of higher education institutions. The results present the features of financing public and private higher education institutions. Public higher education institutions acutely feel the lack of financial resources. Tuition fees at public higher education institutions are calculated according to the requirements of the budget legislation. The conclusions suggest the prospects of financing higher education institutions in Ukraine. Higher education institutions need to give special attention to financial planning, optimization of financing sources and expenditures. It is necessary to reform the models, methods and forms of financing higher education sector.

Keywords: financing, estimate, general fund, special fund, budget funds, expenditures.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2015/167-2/18


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