R. Pikus, PhD in Economics, Professor, D. Nesterova, PhD Student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine EFFICIENCY OF THE INVESTMENT STRATEGY OF THE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN UKRAINE

The article explores the theoretical basis for the formation of an effective investment strategy of the insurance company. It was determined that, depending on the insurer’s conduct and risk factor and yield of funds, investment strategy can be aggressive, moderate and conservative. The main factors that characterize conservative, aggressive and moderately conservative investment strategy are defined. The characteristic of the structure of the investment portfolio of domestic insurance companies is determined. There are insurance companies which conduct an aggressive, conservative and moderately conservative investment strategy. In the article defined the main directions of investments of insurance companies in Ukraine which include bank deposits, government securities and shares. Determined that majority of insurance companies in the insurance market of Ukraine followed a conservative investment strategy which is the least risky. It is noted that in view of difficult economic situation in Ukraine, insurance companies need to develop an effective investment strategy to ensure their ability to pay.
Keywords: investment activity of insurance companies, structure of the investment portfolio, investment strategy of the insurer, directions of the assets of the insurer, investment funds of the insurance company.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2015/168-3/1


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