А. Sholoiko, PhD in Economics, Senior Fellow, Assistant Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine FEATURES OF ACCOUNTING AND AUDIT OF INSURANCE ORGANIZATIONS IN UKRAINE

Features of accounting and audit of insurance organizations in Ukraine that are based on the specific characteristics of the insurance activity and legislation are considered. The main of them are the next: the proper organization of accounting is a necessary condition of the activity of the financial institution; there are three groups of requirements to accounting of insurer, including: accounting of contracts; accounting of insurance reserves, formation financial reports in the Ukrainian insurance legislation; the use of IFRS instead of national accounting standards in preparing financial reports of insurance organizations in Ukraine is obligatory and despite of this compilation of primary documents and application of National Chart of Accounts by insurance organizations of Ukraine remains mandatory; it is necessary to follow the frequency of reporting according to national legislation; insurance companies are classified as institutions that must necessarily publish annual financial statements together with the auditor’s report about its accuracy, and this category of institutions are prohibited from using such form of organization of accounting and reporting as directly by the owner or the head of organization; audit of the annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements of insurance companies is mandatory and conducted in accordance with International quality control, auditing, review, other assurance, and related services pronouncements which adopted as national auditing standards by the Audit Chamber of Ukraine. These generalizations are done to make possible the further investigations of developing and improving in this field.
Keywords: insurance organizations, accounting, audit, International Financial Reporting Standards.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2015/168-3/7


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