А. Oleynik, PhD in Economics, Assistant Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP AS A MECHANISM TO REDUCE SOCIAL RISKS

The role of public-private partnership in the overall development of the country and its regions is determined in the article. The opinions of foreign and domestic scientists on the interpretation of the concept of PPP are analyzed, the main causes and social factors in favor of the introduction of PPP in Ukraine are determined. Singled out the main components of the PPP in the social sphere, including: public-regulation, public policy, transparency and accountability of PPP, financing and benefits of the project, the division of responsibilities between the public and private partners, taking into account the interests of consumers. Author determined the main provisions of the law of Ukraine “On Public Private Partnership”. The essence of social risk factors that cause them, their main features are determined. Differentiated concept of social risk and social insurance risk, the role of insurance in PPP agreements and key factors for cooperation between the state and the insurance segment are determined. Risk sharing agreement between the parties to the PPP when the state is a partner insurance company or other private partner is demonstrated.
Keywords: public-private partnership, private sector, social sphere, social risks, public services, insurance.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2015/168-3/10


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