S. Gerasymenko, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, V. Gerasymenko, PhD in Economics, teacher, HEE “National academy of management”, Kyiv, O. Chupryna, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Kharkiv Karasin national university, Kharkiv STATISTICAL PROVISION OF THE MANAGEMENT ОF THE HIGHER EDUCATION QUALITY IN UKRAINE

The article deals with the problem of statistical estimation of the quality of teaching in the higher educational establishment and the quality of grounding graduating seniors. This is due to the necessity to realize practically the clauses of the new law of Ukraine “About the higher education”. The necessity to estimate the quality of the higher education in Ukraine using the basic statistical approaches and methods which are used in the management of the quality of goods and services is substantiated.
Keywords: higher educational establishment; higher education; quality; quality of higher education; standard; criterion; the law; ranking; the market of educational services; statistical approaches and methods.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2015/169-4/1


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