J. Paradysz, Dr hab., prof. Center of Regional Statistics, K. Paradysz, Master of Economic Science, research worker at Center of Regional Statistics, Poznan University of Economics, Poland POLAND AND UKRAINE IN THE LIGHT OF PARADYSZ’S PERIOD FERTILITY MODEL

The article reflects research issues, which are currently considered to be of utmost importance in methodology of period fertility analysis. In the cohort analysis we dispose many possibilities to describe human reproduction process. The period analysis is not so reach and we would like to use the same methods in the both one. Many years ago one of us have proposed a decomposition of the period total fertility rate in order to calculate period “theoretical” birth intervals. Combining the two systems demographic analysis (parity progression ration and increment–decrement tables) we decompose the “classic” total fertility rate (TFR) on the last and non–last children in period analysis.
Keywords: period fertility analysis, period birth intervals, last and non–last children decomposition of the total fertility rates by order.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2015/169-4/7


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