І. Kaleniuk, Doctor of Sciencеs (Economics), Professor Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, O. Kuklin, Doctor of Sciencеs (Economics), Professor Cherkasy State Business-College, Cherkasy, Ukraine RISK MANAGEMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION UKRAINE

In the article the relevance of educational risk-management has been revealed. On the basis of the analysis of the wide range of political, economic, global, demographic, technological and other risks it has been proved the necessity of educational risk-management on different levels in education: microlevel, regional level, mesolevel, macrolevel and metalevel. The peculiarities of educational risks connected not only with direct economic losses but with strategic losses have been disclosed. The essence of the educational and research clusters as one of the possible forms of educational activity development has been revealed in detail. The educational and research clusters have been proved to enable to reduce the acuteness of modern problems and possible risks and to intensify the system by means of providing synergetic unity of all components. Within the educational and research clusters educational establishments strengthen their ability to perform their functions, provide high efficiency and competitiveness of the educational system in its close interaction with business and economy. It has been suggested the general concept of creation of the educational and research cluster in Cherkasy region.
Keywords: educational risks; globalization; universities; educational and research clusters; educational risk- management.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2015/170-5/4


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