L. Baltador, PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor Faculty of Economics Department of Management, Marketing, Business Administration “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, Romania SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL – A CASE STUDY IN IGHIU, ROMANIA

Sustainable development refers to the fair usage of the resources, so that future generations can be able to satisfy their needs, as well. For this to happen, a new paradigm on how economic development is being carried out is imperative. Thus, inter-national treaties on mitigating Climate Change, bio-diversity and fighting poverty and other such matters have been signed by most states. At local level, the problems appear more concrete, and thus, the practical solutions are (or appear to be) sometimes in opposition to what is needed for a sustainable way of handling things. This paper aims to present an instrument, which can be used by the local authorities to overcome this impediment. The Integrated Management System (I.M.S.) aims to contribute to a better communication between the local stakeholders, citizens and local authorities, which, in the end, can lead to a more sus-tainable future. For this, we will analyze first steps towards implementing the IMS in the village of Ighiu, Alba County, on the basis of the minimum requirements developed by the Champ project.
Keywords. Sustainable development, Integrated Management System.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2015/171-6/13


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