Z. Varnalii, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, I. Savych, PhD Student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv PRECONDITIONS AND DETERMINING CAUSES OF THE SHADOW ECONOMY IN UKRAINE

The article analyzes the main processes that led to the high level of the economy shadowing. The historical aspects of the formation of the shadow economy in Ukraine are highlighted. The socio-economic aspects of the shadow economy of Ukraine causality are discussed. The theoretical contribution of foreign and domestic researchers on the preconditions of formation of the shadow economy in transition economies is studied. Theoretical perspective on the factors of the shadowing processes in the economy of Ukraine from the standpoint of modern scientific researches is analyzed. The paper also provides scientific vectors for further development of researches aimed at studying the causes and preconditions of the shadow economy.

Keywords: shadowing processes, shadow economy, deshadowing of the economy, transformation economy, economic freedom, corruption.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2014/155-2/10

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