O. Havryliuk, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor Financial Research Institute of the Academy of Financial Management, Kyiv GLOBAL RISKS AND INSTRUMENTS OF ITS MINIMIZATION

It is argued that economic globalization leads to the formation of macro-economic, political and other risks that are able to grow into global risks affecting, without exception, all national economies, creating a serious threat to national economic security. The emphasis is on the negative elements of a set of global risks, their development and minimize the possibility of using a number of tools. Ensuring firmness of the state to external risks demands continuous monitoring and forecasting of world processes and usage of economic instruments of rapid response for prevention of negative consequences. The essence of the category of “risk” is revealed and deepened. The global risks that can not affect the economic security of Ukraine is disclosed. It is shown that the emergence of these global risks has negative impact on the economic security of Ukraine.

Keywords: threats, risks, global risks, financial crisis, financial risks, risk minimization.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2014/160-7/2

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