T. Dubovyk, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF CONSUMERS TRUST TO ONLINE SHOPS

In the article the conceptual model of the major factors that influence consumers trust in online shop: reliability of online store, reliable information system for making purchases online, factors of ethic interactiveness (security, third-party certification), internet-marketing communications of online-shop and other factors – that is divided enterprises of trade and consumers (demographic variables, psychological perception of internet-marketing communications, experience of purchase of commodities are in the Internet). The degree of individual customer trust propensity which reflects the personality traits, culture and previous experience. An implement signs of consumer confidence due to site elements online shop – graphic design, structured design, design of content, design harmonized with perception of target audience.

Keywords: consumers trust on Internet, model of trust of consumers to the purchases on Internet, e-commerce, a network is the Internet, online-shop.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2014/160-7/7

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