А. Khodzhaian, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), T. Shyptenko, Deputy Head, Department of the Economic Security Ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine THE SHADOW ECONOMY AS AN ECONOMIC CATEGORY AND OBJECT EVALUATION

The article considers the existing scientific approaches to the formulation of the concept of nature and the structural elements of the shadow economy. Contains definitions of the shadow economy as an object of evaluation. Disclosed manifestations shadow relations in the context of the institutional sectors. Characterized by methods of assessment of the informal sector in terms of their object of study.

Keywords: shadow economy; officially observed economy; non-directly-оbserved economy; economy, which is not observed and is not tracked; economy as a whole; level and size of the shadow economy; methods of evaluation of the shadow economy.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2014/164-11/13

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