A. Boguslavskiy, PhD in Economics, Assosiate Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine BASIC METHODS OF CLASSIFICATION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF METHODS OF PRICING IN UKRAINE

The article provided definitions and shows the need to use different methods of pricing of enterprises. Exposed the reasons of the absence of a universal classification of pricing methods. The approaches of different authors to classify groups of pricing methods: 1) the cost method; 2) methods with a focus on competition; 3) methods for pricing based on demand, 4) pricing with a focus on maximum profit, 5) parametric methods, 6) pricing under risk and uncertainty, etc. An improved classification pricing methods with the release of the following groups: 1) the methods of cost pricing; 2) methods based on demand; 3) methods, based on competition; 4) microeconomic methods; 5) methods which are based on product life cycles; 6) methods, depending on economic conditions; 7) econometric and statistical techniques 8) Methods of transfer pricing; 9) methods in accordance with the terms of agreements; 10) Methods of assortment pricing; 11) combined methods of pricing and so on. The basic directions of use of combined methods of pricing and analysis of their possible use in Ukraine are shown.

Keywords: methods of pricing firms; groups of pricing methods; classification; application.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2014/165-12/2

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