The article provided definitions and shows the need to use different methods of pricing of enterprises. Exposed the reasons of the absence of a universal classification of pricing methods. The approaches of different authors to classify groups of pricing methods: 1) the cost method; 2) methods with a focus on competition; 3) methods for pricing based on demand, 4) pricing with a focus on maximum profit, 5) parametric methods, 6) pricing under risk and uncertainty, etc. An improved classification pricing methods with the release of the following groups: 1) the methods of cost pricing; 2) methods based on demand; 3) methods, based on competition; 4) microeconomic methods; 5) methods which are based on product life cycles; 6) methods, depending on economic conditions; 7) econometric and statistical techniques 8) Methods of transfer pricing; 9) methods in accordance with the terms of agreements; 10) Methods of assortment pricing; 11) combined methods of pricing and so on. The basic directions of use of combined methods of pricing and analysis of their possible use in Ukraine are shown.
Keywords: methods of pricing firms; groups of pricing methods; classification; application.
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