Approaches to understanding the nature of the process of socialization of the economic system, appearing to be an effective catalyst in the transformation of an active subject, who gets the power to regulate social and economic processes in accordance for their own purposes, conditions and development needs; approaches to the analysis of problems of adaptation the national economy to the requirements of the postindustrial society, the basic idea of national socialization policy is to be aware and implementing that provision social welfare is the prerogative not only the state but also every citizen of Ukraine; strategic direction of economic policy in the socialization process is the focus of efforts State to develop the abilities of citizens to self-sufficiency, and as a result – to self-realization; initiation mechanisms of self-organization; development of social partnership. suggestions on the formation of an effective integrated social strategy based on gradual delineation of tasks and allocation priorities socialization of the economic system are worked out.
Key words: socialization; socialization of economic system; social orientation of economic system; social strategy; postindustrial society.
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