I. Egorov, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, G.M. Dobrov Center for Scientific and Technological Potential and Science History Studies, Kyiv, N. Lynchevs’ka, Doctoral Student National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, G.M. Dobrov Center for Scientific and Technological Potential and Science History Studies, Kyiv THE PROCESSES OF “CREATIVE DESTRUCTION” AND DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMY IN THE INDEPENDENT UKRAINE

The paper deals with the issue of transformation processes in the Ukrainian economy in the years of independence in the context Schumpeterian concept of transformation. It is shown that initial parameters of these processes have been assessed incorrectly; practical managerial, aimed at implementation of changes, were incomplete and poorly organized. This, in turn, has led to substantial negative consequences for the national economy.

Keywords: theory of J. Schumpeter, creative destruction, economic crisis, Ukraine’s economy, negative changes.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2013/145-4/2



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