P. Klyukin, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Senior Researchen IE RAS NRU Higher School of Economics, Moscow (Russia) EVOLUTION OF THE CIRCULAR FLOW THEORY WITHIN XX CENTURY AND ITS PRESENT-DAY PERSPECTIVES

In this article new retrospective of elaborating of the circular-flow theory from F. Quesnay (1758) up to P. Sraffa (1960) is proposed. This retrospective is based on organic integration Russian-Ukrainian pre-Revolutionary economic heritage, which has been realized in works written by M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky, V.K. Dmitriev, N.N. Shaposhnikoff, L. von Bortkiewicz, G. von Charasoff, E.E. Slutsky, A.D. Bilimoviĉ. Such an representation of the circular-flow theory interpreted as non-stop evolving thematic tradition (in spirit of post-positivist methodologist Gerald Holton) makes it possi-ble to construct a new circular-flow scheme of economy.

Keywords: circular-flow theory; Russian-Ukrainian economic thought; F. Quesnay; P. Sraffa; V.K. Dmitriev; G. von Charasoff; E.E. Slutsky; A.D. Bilimoviĉ.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2013/146-5/12



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