Z. Vasylchenko, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, I. Vasylchenko, Doctor of Sciences (Mathematics), Professor Ukrainian State University of Finance and International Trade, Kyiv SOME ASPECTS OF METHODOLOGICAL BASIS OF BANK’S FINANCIAL SECURITY MODELING

Developed methodical approaches for assessing financial safety of bank. Proposed by authors theoretical concept of integral bank’s financial security index has in its basis indicators of capital sufficiency, capital growth, liquidity and return on assets. Bringing together all the mentioned values is appropriate to do using the reliability function. As an input data for setting this function serve expert evaluations regarding the stability of the object that is under consideration. It was found out, that typically system of expert evaluations has couple of features (advantages), which don’t exclude and also don’t complement each other. These features authors consider by separating them as compensational, non-compensational and partly compensational advantages. It was proved, that in banking it is extremely important itself the realistic setup of the ratio between partial and integral indicators, which are partly inherent to-compensational advantage. Proved that the developed approaches for assessing strategic decisions on financial safety of bank are based on three-level index system: bank’s primary accounting figures; aggregate of special generalized figures which consolidate information on management decisions made in bank to the most possible extent; integral indices of financial safety of bank.

Keywords: financial security, financial state of bank, analysis, valuation, integral index.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2013/147-6/4

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