S. Pavliashvili, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor D. Gubeladze, Doctor of Sciences (Agro Economics), Professor Tbilisi Teaching University, Georgia, Agrarian University of Georgia, Georgia TRANSFORMATION OF PROPERTY RELATIONSHIPS AND ITS PROSPECTIVE IN GEORGIA

The scientific paper deals with the transformation of proprietary relations as an objective process, its essence, forms and character. The property right is shown as a basis of market functioning and the market can’t operate without it. The advantage of private property in comparison with the state-owned one is underlined. The article refers to the peculiarities of current process of privatization in Georgia. The common assessment of privatization implemented in Georgia is clearly reflected. Also its political, economical, ideological-psychological, social, institutional results are characterized. The internal and external factors which prevented privatization from being implemented successfully in Georgia are described.

Keywords: Corporate management, Privatization, Transformation, Market reform, social and institutional effects, Private property, Market economy, private sector, implementation, inefficient state management.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2013/147-6/15

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