N. Revutska, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Kiev, V. Lavrenenko, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Kiev National Economic University named after Vadim Hetman, Kiev FORMATION OF ENTERPRISE INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL IN CONTEXT OF RESOURCE THEORY

The main content of the resource theory and description of it evolution in three stages were considered in this article. The first stage was the formation of the classical concept of the resource, the second – the origin and development of the concept of core competencies and dynamic organizational capabilities, and the third is associated with the formation of the theory of resource advantages. The nature and the necessity to identify new resource elements (core competencies, dynamic capabilities and organizational routines) were characterized in the context of the selected stages. The signs of sustainable competitive advantage and types of economic rents that arise on the resource base were generalized. There is a connection between resource theory and concept of knowledge management based on identification of intellectual component in the economic nature of the core competencies and organizational abilities. The basic approach to the classification of resources and their elements, which form the intellectual capital of the company was described. New elements of economic resources such as competencies, organizational abilities, rutin and elements of intellectual capital are in close connection. It is concluded that the core competencies are best developed in human client and networking elements of intellectual capital, dynamic organizational capability in innovative capital and routines in process capital of an enterprise.

Keywords: resource theory, core competencies, dynamic organizational capability, intellectual resources, intellectual capital, sustainable competitive advantage.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2013/150-9/12

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