G. Fyliuk, Doctor of Economics, Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv PROBLEMS AND WAY OF INCREASE OF UKRAINIAN COMPANIES’ COMPETITIVENESS UNDER GLOBALIZATION

The paper exposes key aspects of company’s competitiveness. An absence of competitive enterprises in Ukraine is proved. Internal reasons of low level of their competitiveness caused by activity of Ukrainian companies are characterized. External reasons of low level of Ukrainian companies’ competitiveness which are caused by special issues of their macroeconomic and microeconomic environment are exposed. the role of competition in ensuring of competitiveness of Ukrainian companies is shown. The author argues that under the absence of efficient competitive environment and formation of civilized market relations Ukrainian enterprizes do not use established ways of reaching competitive advantages. The paper proves that such reasons determine a necessity of improvement of current mechanisms and methods of solving this problem or searching new ones. Recommendations towards increase of competitiveness of companies in Ukraine are suggested. Among them are increase of quality of government institutions, development of competition institute, implementation of “efficient competitor” strategy, debureaucratization of economy; reduction of market entry and exit barriers; improvement of the system of providing benefits and state aid for a companies, etc.

Keywords: company’s competitiveness, competition, entry barriers, quazicompetitiveness.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2013/151-10/1

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