Е. Mazurin, PhD in technical Sciences, Аssociate Professor, I. Lapushkin, degree seekers, MSTU named N.Bauman, Russia THE CHOICE OF FORMS OF COOPERATION WITH THE USE OF A MATRIX “THE LANDSCAPE OF ENTERPRISE”

The article gives the solution of the urgent tasks of increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of the enterprise in the conditions of the intra-industry division of labour. To solve this problem the author’s method of choice of forms of cooperation. The proposed method consists in the use of multidimensional matrix “landscape of the enterprise”. In the “landscape of the enterprise” is used five groups of indicators process: indicators input indicators output indicators control indicators required in the process of resources, indicators of functioning of the process. Each group of indicators consists of a set of indicators. As indicators management proposed to use copyrighted performance indicators management: integrated indicator of the cost of management, integrated indicator of management error, coefficient of the quality of regulation, the ratio of overhead costs, the coefficient of efficiency of regulation. For calculation of the quantitative control is proposed to use the control circuit developed by the company “Integrator of IT” together with the Department “Economics and organization of production” MSTU named N. Bauman.

Keywords: management; process; outsourcing; holding; “landscape of the enterprise”.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2013/151-10/8

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