N. Revutska, PhD in Economics, Assosiate Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv RESOURCES OF COMPETITIVE EDGE ENTERPRISE IN MODERN CONDITIONS

In this paper the characteristics of the resource provision of competitive advantages through the use of modern types of capital: skills, organizational skills and routines have been determined. Competition between the companies in the global space had got new characteristics that require the use of modern competitiveness management methods in the long term. Researchers analyzed the general problem of competitiveness managing, and the question of determining the characteristics of resources, organizational and economic provision of sustainable competitive advantages are highlighted fragmentary. The dynamism and unpredictability of market environment on the one hand, and the emergence of new types of resources and their combinations – on other hand require synthesis of the industry competition theory and resource theory to search for new sources of sustainable competitive advantage. Sustainable competitive advantage is the result of long-term benefits of using unique and rare combinations of resources, competencies and organizational capabilities of enterprises in the process of creating the highest (new, innovative) customer value of products (services). The appearance of new intellectual resources (competencies, organizational capacity) provides the formation Shumpeterian rent – additional economic benefits (innovator award) from the creation of new combinations of resources in dynamic environments. The area of perspective research is justification of applied mechanism to support a sustainable competitive advantage in the practice of domestic companies. The company is effective if it is able to use the potential of all resources to create sustainable competitive advantage.

Keywords: intelligent resources, sustainable competitive advantage, competencies, organizational capacity, organizational routines.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2013/151-10/19

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