L. Zhumankulova, Senior Auditor Autonomous organization of education “Nazarbaev University, Republic of Kazakhstan IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE OFSTATE-OWNED ENTERPRISESIN THE CONSUMER MARKET

The effective functioning of state-owned enterprises in the consumer goods during the amplification and intensification of market relations require corresponding changes of the totality of economic relations. Therefore necessary to introduce a market of strategic management in the enterprise on the basis of economic and econometric modeling. The use in the practice of econometrics, probability theory and mathematical statistics will strengthen the competitive capacity of public companies in the consumer market. In thispaper revealsthe need for strategicplanningactivities of public enterprisesin the consumermarket on the basisof econometric modelingand analysis of financialandeconomic indicators. We have made recommendations to improve the efficiency of public enterprises in order to saturate the consumer market goods and high-quality services.

Keywords: consumer market, a market of strategic management, economic and econometric modeling, government regulation, depending on the model, the economic indicators.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2013/151-10/23

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