V. Serdiuk, Doctor of Scieces (Economics), Associate Professor Donetsk National University, Donetsk METHODICAL APPROACH TO THE ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF INNOVATION ENGINEERING ENTERPRISE

This paper proposes a methodological approach to the analysis of the influence of the product range updates on product quality, with which you can determine whether differences in the level of production , and higher than the highest world achievements and update level associated with the improvement of the quality of the developed models and how – with an update. This technique is tested on the machine-building enterprise. Derived conclusions about the impact of product updates on the quality of the company’s products. In particular, the actual These data confirm the theoretical conclusion that for objective assessment of the models being developed products should take into account not only the change of the parameters in relation to the actually existing best products, but also in comparison with the future of their values.

Keywords: innovation process; quality and competitiveness.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2013/153-12/20

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