I. Sklyaruk, PhD in Economics, Assistant Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv IMPROVEMENTS IN ACCOUNTING OF BREWERIES’ PROFIT

The peculiarities of formation of the profit of breweries, taking into account the specifics of the production process and business peculiarities were identified. There were found out the specificity of calculation of the expenses, considering the norms of the technological process, the duration of the operating cycle and the specifics of the production of beer and non-alcoholic products, which determine the methodology of formation of the prime price of the products and the price of its sale. The expediency of using the method for phases (with semi-ready and not semi- ready option) method of calculation of the semi-finished products of own production there was proved. The irrelevance of using Account 44 “Undistributed profit (uncovered loss)” according to its purpose under the current Plan of accounts is shown. The model of using the profit based on the proposed sub-accounts was built and the example of their use was shown.

Keywords: accounting, revenue, expenses, semi-finished products, profit, distribution and use of the profit, accounting model.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2013/153-12/21

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