A. Grazhevska, PhD student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine STRUCTURE AND CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF THE SYSTEM OF MODERN RENT RELATIONS

The article investigates characteristic features of the system of modern rent relations. At the beginning of the article the author reveals structure of such relations associated with reproduction of natural, economic and institutional rent. Much attention is paid to the analysis of complex levels of rent relations, their functioning on micro-, meso-, macro- and global levels. While considering the achievements of representatives of institutionalism, the author interprets the modern rent relations as a complex system of interactions between agents in a market economy. The agents appropriate rental income through implementation of exclusive ownership rights to various goods and resources. The author points out that the objective processes of contemporary social and economic development create the mechanism of expanded reproduction of rental economy and encourage rent-seeking behavior of economic agents. Such behavior might have productive nature when the recipients of intellectual rent, who understand the temporality of their dominant position, show interest in further innovation.

In conclusion, the author substantiates practical recommendations for improving the state regulation of rent relations in Ukraine. The main direction of improvement of such regulation should be implementation of the systematic rent policy, designed to limit counterproductive and encourage productive rent-seeking behavior of economic actors.

Keywords: rent relations, natural rent, economic rent, institutional rent, rent economy, rent-seeking.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2015/176-11/2

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