N. Versal, Ph.D., Associate Professor Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine IMPACT OF FINANCIAL CRISIS 2008-2009 ON BANKING SECTOR STRUCTURE IN UKRAINE

The article deals with the changes in the structure of Ukraine’s banking sector caused by the crisis 2008 – 2009. The research covers the pre-crisis stage (early 2008), the stage of the impact of the global financial crisis (end of 2008 – 2009), the stage of post-crisis development (2010 – 2013). The analysis is done in two areas: the analysis of the consequences of redistribution of responsibilities between the Deposit Guarantee Fund (the DGF) and the National Bank of Ukraine (the NBU) and the analysis of changes in the structure of the banking sector (the redistribution of the market between the four groups of banks in terms of assets, state-owned banks and other banks, foreign banks and domestic banks). It is possible to talk about the positive aspects arising from the redistribution of responsibilities between the NBU and the DGF, namely in terms of depositors’ protection strengthening due to reducing the term of the interim administration, eliminating the moratorium on payments to depositors etc. However, it is impossible to make an unambiguous conclusion that these changes have had a positive effect on the level of depositor’s confidence in banks. It turned out to be factors that are more important: economic and political situation in the country. The changes in the structure of the banking sector had a crucial character. Characteristic tendencies for each block of banks have been determined based on an analysis of indicators such as total assets, loans to legal entities and individuals, total liabilities, liabilities of legal entities and individuals, equity and equity multiplier. The financial crisis has revealed deep problems in the banking sector and has caused essential transformation processes: the redistribution of the banking market in favor of banks, which enjoyed the confidence of customers. Research shows that such banks in the unit of banks in terms of assets are banks of 2 and 4 groups; banks in the block by the presence of state ownership – PJSC ‘Oschadbank’, PJSC ‘Ukreximbank’; banks in the block by the presence of foreign capital – foreign banks.

Keywords: banking sector restructuring; financial crisis; public banks; foreign banks; confidence in banks.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2015/177-12/1

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