Н. Yamnenko, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor SHEI “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”, Кум, Ukraine INNOVATIVE ASPECTS OF THE PROVIDING COMPETITIVENESS OFENTERPRISES

The world experience of economic development shows that innovations are the catalyst of modernization and restructuring of the economy, which contributedthe strengthening of the competitiveness, profitability and innovative development of enterprisesand help to conquer new and retain existing markets. The decision of problems of activation of innovative activity of enterprises becomes the main guarantee of providing of success of market reforms. The purpose of this article is to determine of features of intercommunication between innovative activity and competitive advantages of an enterprise. The study identified the competitive advantages related to innovative activity. It is proved that the maintenance of sustainable competition position at the market depends on determination and maintenance of key success factors. It is determined the basic stages of providing of competitiveness of an enterprise through the use of its innovative capabilities. It is shown that only through developing existing and creating new competitive advantages an enterprise will be able to attain the desired state of competitiveness in the modern realities. It has suggested forming an effective competitive strategy through extensive use of innovative decisions on the basis of knowledge for providing of competitiveness of enterprises. The basis to competitive advantages should be considered the process of stimulation innovations.

Keywords: innovative activity, knowledge, competitiveness of enterprise, competitive advantages.

Date of submission 10.12.2015

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2016/178-1/8


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