A. Taubayev, Doctor of Sciences (Economies), B. Doskaliyeva, Doctor of Sciences (Economies), Professor Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan, S. Akenov, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Academy of Karaganda Bolashak, Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan THE ROLE OF THE SOCIAL-ENTREPRENEURSHIP CORPORATIONS IN KAZAKHSTAN IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP MECHANISMS

The article describes the features of the establishment and functioning of the specialized institutions of the public-private partnership – the social-entrepreneurship corporations in Kazakhstan. Based on the study of foreign experience of the creation of similar organizations, the advantages and problems of their functioning have been determined. The social-entrepreneurship corporations of Kazakhstan have a non-profit corporation model, but their mission is to meet the challenges of gaining profit and investments for the socio-economic development of the regions. This article describes the functioning activities of the social­entrepreneurship corporation “Saryarka” of Karaganda region, the dynamics and structure of its investment portfolio and the main problems are determined in it.

Keywords: public private partnership, regional institutions of public private partnership, social-entrepreneurship corporations.

Date of submission 22.04.16

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2016/183-6/3


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