In the article the economic security of the Ukrainian Polissya regions is investigated. The partical indices of integral index of economic security namely investment, innovation, finance, foreign trade, food, social, demographic security are defined. The hypothesis of a significant impact of investment on economic security of Ukrainian Polissya regions are established and proven by analyzing the dynamics of investment and economic security. The conclusion is that the state of economic security for most regions of Ukrainian Polissya is uneven and low, but the impact of investment on the level of economic security of the studied regions is extremely high and has strategic importance.

Key words: economic security of region; integral index of economic security of region; investment security; socio-economic development of region; Ukrainian Polissya regions.

Date of submission 14.05.16

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2016/185-8/4


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