O. Zhylinska, Doctor of Science (Economics) Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, tyiv, Ukraine COMPLEMENTARY EFFECTS IN ACTIVIZATION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY

This paper proposes new methodological approaches in the study of development problems of scientific and technical activities in the information society. The essence and economic nature of developmentscientific and technical activities’ from the standpoint of methodological collectivism are disclosed, a new phenomenon intensification of development scientific and technical activities by forming the global networks of scientific and technical knowledge users that provides sharing of the burden of transformation and transaction costs as generation as well as economic implementation of research and technical knowledge across the globe are showed. This study outlines the complementary effects in intensify development of scientific and technological activities components: research and development (R&D), training of scientific personnel, provision of scientific and technical services, which generates of world market’s complementary goods, being world market of educational services of scientific and technical information, industrial properties, high technology products, venture capital investments and stock market.

Keywords: scientific and technical activities, research and development (R&D), training of scientific personnel, provision of scientific and tech­nical services, scientific and technical knowledge, activization of scientific and technical activities, complementary goods, complementarity effects, transformation and transaction expenses

Date of submission 07.09.16

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2016/186-9/1


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