At the reinsurance market the object of purchase and sale is a specific product – a reinsurance service. According to several scientists’ researches, the definition of a reinsurance service is clarified as a specific service in the form of selling legally formed liabilities concerning redistribution of already insured risk between insurance companies, which has its price, which is influenced by supply and demand. The author has proposed new approaches to the insurance service interpretation as a dominant, which causes the reinsurance market formation. It is shown that being traded in the reinsurance market, a reinsurance service is an important factor in the functioning and self-development of the market environment, it combines the interests of supply and demand holders and directly influences the market quality characteristics, causing trends of its further development. Supply and demand for a reinsurance service are influenced by both external and internal factors, the most important of them are: the capitalization level of insurers, the balance of their insurance portfolios, the condition of the state economy, the level of investment attractiveness, monetary and tax policy. The concepts of “reinsurance service demand” and “reinsurance service supply” have been clarified. Reinsurance service demand is a conscious and financially secured desire to buy reinsurance services. Reinsurance service supply is all services submitted in the reinsurance market.
Keywords: reinsurance; reinsurance service; reinsurance service demand; reinsurance service supply.
Date of submission 21.01.2017
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