L. Yarosh-Dmytrenko, PhD in Economics, Assistant Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine ADVANCING INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS AS A FACTOR OF DEVELOPMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE

In the article the problem of advancing the international competitiveness of industry has been highlighted in the context of the impact on getting out the crises in the country and forming preconditions for economic growth. The study is based on an empirical basis of metallurgical industries of Ukraine, which has traditionally focused largely on international markets. The advancing international competitiveness of these enterprises is particularly topical and important for getting over the crisis and forming a trajectory of economic development of the country. The system of the factors has been represented and analysed, the priorities for advancing the international competitiveness of metallurgical industryJSC “Zaporizhstar.Recommendations to improve the competitiveness of the analysed enterprise have been formulated and common priorities for improving the international competitiveness of steel companies determining the possibility of positive impact on getting over the crisis and economic development at the level of companies, as well as at the level of Ukraine’s economy have been identified.

Keywords: international competitiveness, competitive advantage, industrial enterprise, foreign markets, international market, export, economic development, crises.

Date of submission 12.06.2017

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2017/193-4/8


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