Z. Varnaliy, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, O. Krasilnyk, PhD in Economics Kyiv University of Market Relations, Kyiv, Ukraine OPTIMIZATION OF FINANCING PUBLIC HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN UKRAINE

The paper considers the ways to optimize financing public higher education institutions of Ukraine. Public higher education institutions acutely feel the lack of financial resources. The study describes that it is necessary to reform the models, methods and forms of financing higher education institutions. The paper explains the impact of autonomy of higher education institutions on their development. The autonomy level of university determines the possibilities for diversification from additional sources. The results found that more autonomy of higher education institutions will allow them effectively generate and use financial resources. The review outlines the diversification of financial resources public universities. One of the key factors of the university success is to implement the diversification strategy into the overall academic strategy and mission of the higher education institution. The analysis recommends the performance-based funding system and public higher education institutions achieve certain performance indicators. The performance-based funding system will promote higher competitiveness of education institutions and improve the quality of higher education in general. The conclusions suggest the development trends of financing public higher education institutions of Ukraine.

Keywords: financing, public higher education institutions, optimization of financing, diversification, performance-based funding, financial au-tonomy.

Date of submission 31.07.2017

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2017/194-5/1


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