N. Smentyna, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, N. Klevtsevich, PhD in Economics Odessa National Economic University, Odessa, Ukraine THE ROLE OF PPP IN ENSURING A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC SYSTEMS

The role of state partnership with a private sector in ensuring s development of territorial socio-economic systems was grounded. The process of interaction between local authorities and private operators was  considered in the context of three stages: justification of the partnership necessity, conclusion a partnership agreement and monitoring the commitments implementation. The situation regarding distribution of PPP projects on the scope of partnership was described that allow to consider the instrument as a basis for joint responsibility for the development of priority sectors of the regional economy. The major issues of interaction between public and private operators that require legislative regulation were identified. The main components of evaluating the effectiveness of PPP projects from a government position and their logical sequence were suggested.

Keywords: Sustainable Development, Public Private Partnerships, Territorial Socio-Economic Systems, Effectiveness Evaluation.

Date of submission 02.08.2017

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2017/194-5/6


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