A. Sholoiko, PhD in Economics, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine EUROPEAN VECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT OF NON-INSURANCE INTERMEDIARIES IN UKRAINE

Narrow and broad understanding of the activity of non-insurance intermediaries are suggested. The conсept of the activity of non-insurance intermediaries is disclosed, taking into account the division into main and ancillary activity and their ability to be as outsourcers. A comparison of the insurance and non-insurance intermediaries on the basis of EU legislation is presented. European vector of development of non-insurance intermediaries in Ukraine is defined. It means necessity of implementation of regulation of their ancillary activity related to the distribution of insurance services. Insurance companies and non-insurance intermediaries cooperation in countries of the European Union and Ukraine is characterized.

Keywords: non-insurance intermediaries, banks, insurance intermediaries, insurance distribution channels.

Date of submission 29.06.2017

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2017/194-5/10


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