I. Moyseyenko, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine, L. Halkiv, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor National University “Lviv Polytechnic”, Lviv, Ukraine, M. Demchyshyn, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Lviv University of Trade and Economics, Lviv, Ukraine ANALYSIS OF TAX BURDEN PARAMETERS OF UKRAINE’S ECONOMY

The need to solve the problems of macro-economic stabilization of the country’s economy on the basis of determining the tax system efficiency led to the actuality and importance of developing methodological issues of macro-economic tax regulation. In terms of macro-financial stability for the purpose of strategic analysis, the macroeconomic category of tax burden and its fiscal efficiency in terms of direct and indirect taxation is considered.
Tax burden indicators at a macro-level quantitatively measure the total level of tax payment and pumping up the budget. Based on the analysis of tax burden it is found that in Ukraine the major fiscal function is performed by consumption taxes (indirect taxes).
The methodological principles of the diagnostics of tax burden influence on macro-indices of economic stabilization are as follows: selecting parameters of monitoring tax burden state and fiscal burden efficiency; the assessment of an impact on fiscal efficiency on macro-indices. To prognosticate the efficiency of fiscal burden performance in terms of indirect taxes linear and exponential trend equations are calculated. In terms of the analysis of macro-financial stability the usage of tax rates of indirect taxes as indicators of fiscal efficiency provides sufficient reasons for the conclusions regarding long-term trends of pumping the budget.

Key words: fiscal regulation, stabilization indicators, tax rate, tax burden, trend models, macro-economic indicators.

Date of submission 11.06.2017

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2017/195-6/3


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