B. Glinkowska, Doctor The University of Lodz, Poland, le. Chebotarov, PhD in Economics, Senior Lecturer, V. Chebotarov, Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor SI “Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University”, Starobil’sk, Ukraine ANALYSIS OF THE ORIGIN, MODERN CHARACTERISTICS AND PROSPECTS OF DETERMINING THE PROFILE OF UKRAINIAN MANAGER

The article is devoted to the development of the initial theoretical and methodological provisions for the study of profile of modern Ukrainian manager. The results ofthe corresponding applied empirical analysis carried out by the authors are presented. The characteristics of the features of modern Ukrainian manager in the context of existing models of national business cultures are given.

Keywords: manager profile; Ukraine; entrepreneurship; national business culture; characteristics.

Received: 20/01/2018

1st Revision: 15/03/2018

Accepted: 15/05/2018

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2018/198-3/5


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