The purpose of this article is to present a comparative analysis of performance between two commercial bank groups from Turkey and Romania. In conducting the study we have considered evaluating financial performance achieved by a group of commercial banks in Turkey and Romania in relation to the Eurozone during 1999-2016 and examine the level of liquidity of assets acquired during these 18 years of activity of these two banking groups, in comparison with the Eurozone. In this analysis there were tested three hypotheses based on the performance indicators used by the two banking trade groups and the indicators used in the specialty literature. Results and interpretations from this study/ testing were presented and interpreted, in the case of these two banking trade groups. The article ends with the authors’ conclusions related to comparative analysis of bank performance between the two commercial bank groups in Turkey and Romania.
Keywords. Commercial banks, banking performance, Turkey, Romania, Eurozone, ANOVA
Received: 03/01/2018
1st Revision: 14/03/2018
Accepted: 21/05/2018
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