The results we obtained are invalidating the research hypothesis: there is a strong and direct link between the evolution of BET-NG index and the financial performance ratios of the component companies.
The analysis performed on the correlations between the evolution of BET-NG index and financial performance ratios indicates that in the majority of the cases the links are inverse and in 25% of the cases they are strong.
In what concerns the intensity of the correlations between the major financial performance ratios (ROA; ROE; EPS; Net Margin) and average values of BET-NG index, there is no strong link to justify the identification of a regression model. Consequently, we can affirm that the evolution of BET-NG index is determined by other factors, different than the financial performance of the component companies. This situation outlines new research developments that need extending the timeframe and the financial ratios used.
Key words: BET-NG INDEX, Financial Performance Indicators, Bucharest Stock Exchange.
Received: 25/02/2018
1st Revision: 03/03/2018
Accepted: 13/05/2018
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