Authors: D. Zatonatskiy, ORCID ID 0000000248289144, PhD student, The National Institute for Strategic Studies, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: for the Ukrainian enterprises it is most expedient to use the Bayesian model because it is simple in implementation, allows for the individuality of each employee’s activity and does not have ethical and legal constraints. Recommendations for introducing comprehensive and integrated personnel security systems for domestic enterprises to improve the practice of psychological diagnostics and monitoring of employee’s actions are given, in particular, improvement of systems for collecting information about employees’ behavioral indicators in the corporate environment and beyond. The necessity of using modern toolkit for diagnosing risks and threats, for instance, OCEAN and CHAMPION systems, is proved, that significantly improves personnel security management in the systems of economic safety of enterprises. It has been determined that according to the criterion of the expenditure, an effective toolkit for identifying insider risks and threats can be a model based on data on social and interactive activities of enterprise employees.
Key words: personnel security, economic security, personnel security management, personnel security models, personnel management
Received: 10-03-19
1st Revision: 15-03-19
Accepted: 11-04-19
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P.K.A. Ladipo, PhD, Associate Professor ORCID iD 0000-0003-0420-9760