Logistic Activity of The Trade Enterprise: Essential Charachteristics and Formalization of Model

Authors: T. Shtal, ORCID ID 0000000312569854, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economic, Kharkiv, Ukraine
A. Uvarova, ORCID ID 0000000230123007, Postgraduate Student Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economic, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Abstract: The article explores the scientific views on the content of the logistics activities of the enterprise. The essential characteristics of the logistics activities are provided taking into account the functional and process approaches, taking into account the functional, operational and managerial aspects of the processes and operations. The definitions of the concept of the logistics activities of the enterprise are given in compliance with the process-functional approach. The features of logistic flows of a trade enterprise are investigated. Taking into account the main functions of the trade enterprise and the tasks of logistics, a model of the enterprise’s logistics activities has been built and justified.

Key words: logistic activity, logistic process, logistic flow, model of logistic activity, trading enterprise

Received: 13/11/2018

1st Revision: 27/02/2019

Accepted: 02/03/2019

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2019/204-3/9


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