Author: C. Adami, PhD Student, ORCID ID 0000000216030947, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

Abstract: In the last half-century, the economic relations between countries have become more difficult to manage. Economic intelligence is a new complex and multidisciplinary concept introduced to help countries to interact in the new more complex scenario. The intelligence involves researching and finding informative asymmetries between two actors to use the obtained information for economic purposes. This study makes use of a new scientific theoretical approach to explore the economic intelligence concept represented by different contributions in academic literature. As a result, a lexicographic definition of the economic intelligence concept is proposed as a specialized elucidation that involves a theoretical approach to form information set for developing strategies of international economic relations between countries.

Key words: economic intelligence, international relations; information asymmetry; knowledge; globalization.

Received: 08/10/19

1stRevision: 10/11/19

Accepted: 20/11/19



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