Authors: V. Prymak, Ph.D. (Economics), Assoc. Prof. ORCID ID 0000-0002-6525-7988,
B. Korzh, Economist Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: The problems of introduction of agile methodologies in the process of functioning of domestic enterprises in the field of engineering services are investigated. The main reasons for the transition from the traditional cascade model of project team management to agile technologies, in particular, Scrum and Kanban, are identified. The main stages of implementation of engineering service based on Scrum and Kanban methodologies according to the level of organizational maturity of the enterprise are distinguished. A combined Scrum-Kanban adaptive model has been created to enable Agile principles to be implemented in a team management system at engineering services.
Keywords: Agile, Management 3.0, Scrum, Kanban, Project, Project Team, Project Management.
Received: 26/11/19
1stRevision: 30/11/19
Accepted: 10/12/19
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