Authors: I. Mazur, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, ORCID ID 0000-0002-2441-8001, M. Buha, economist, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

Abstract: The article studies theoretical foundations for the essence of entrepreneurship and entrepreneur; specifics in defining the concept of “entrepreneur” by representatives of economic schools; four stages of formation of the theories of entrepreneurship, where the characteristic features of the entrepreneur that changed under the influence of socio-economic development (external environment) are analyzed.

Based on the economic characteristics of changes in the development of macro and micro levels, the emergence of new types of entrepreneurial activity – startups – is justified; a startup is defined as a fast-growing entity of small innovative entrepreneurship with a short-term history of operations, which operates in conditions of uncertainty and aims to create a fundamentally new product to meet the specific needs of consumers.

The logic of forming of the concept of entrepreneur-startupper in the structural scheme is substantiated; the characteristic of a startuper as a peculiar combination of transformed traits of an entrepreneur in accordance to the stages of development of the theory of entrepreneurship is given; the characteristic features of the startupper are revealed; the peculiarities of the functioning of startups in Ukraine are analyzed.

The characteristic of the special features of the startup entrepreneur is offered; further study of theories of entrepreneurship in accordance to the trends of the global economy under uncertainty, as well as the study of the features of development and functioning of new business entities – startups as a solution for unmet consumer needs and how to use modern technologies to create a new product, are justified.

Keywords: entrepreneur, startup, entrepreneurship, history of economic thought, theories of entrepreneurship.

Received: 05/03/2020

1st Revision: 06/03/2020

Accepted: 19/04/2020



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