Authors: I. Novikova, PhD in Economics, Senior Researcher, ORCID ID 0000-0003-0440-2616, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: The evolution of the transformation of the essence of the main innovation-entrepreneurial models in technological transfer is analyzed. It is shown that the emergence of new models of technology transfer is caused by: new forms of competition, changes in public requests and needs, choice of the way of technology implementation, the need to increase revenue, etc. It was found that the modern content of technology transfer models was formed on the basis of previous theories, which directly or indirectly took into account: interests of the research industry, consumer requests and behavior, state priorities and peculiarities of economic relationships between all subjects of the innovation process. Chronological systematization of the main innovative-entrepreneurial models in technology transfer has been carried out. The strengths and weaknesses of the major models of technological transfer are identified, as well as the importance of strategic planning in implementing the process of academic technology transfer. It is proven that modeling in a knowledge-intensive business is able to help solve many common problems that are now encountered in commercial technology transfer. The potential of activating technological transfer in research universities through the lens of the concept of “open” innovations by H. Chesbrough is revealed. The risks and probable conflicts of interest of this concept have been identified. The advantages of the circular model of technology transfer are analyzed. The strategic mistakes made in the science-intensive business are shown.
Keywords: knowledge economy, research university, technology transfer, models of innovative development, linear models of innovative development, model of open innovation, network models of innovative development.
Received: 27/01/2020
1st Revision: 31/01/2020
Accepted: 07/03/2020
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